
Tiferet’s Auction 61






Lot 151:
Collection of Rare Seforim Printed in Zolkiew, 1806-1809
Collection of Rare Seforim Printed in Zolkiew, 1806-1809 Collection of rare Seforim from the Zolkiew press.

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Lot 152:
Sefer Mei Niddah With the Final Version. First Edition. Zolkiew, 1834
Sefer Mei Niddah With the Final Version. First Edition. Zolkiew, 1834 Sefer Mei Niddah, Chiddushim on Halacha and Agadda by the immense Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, Av Beis Din of Brod. First edition. Rabbi Shaul Dov press, Zolkiew, 1834. Includes the “Final Version”.

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Lot 153:
Ein Yaakov from the Mezritch – Horoshov Press. Noble Exemplars of Important People of Barditchov.
Ein Yaakov from the Mezritch – Horoshov Press. Noble Exemplars of Important People of Barditchov. Ein Yaakov, 3 volumes from different editions published in Mezritch [and Horoshov?]: Part I from the 1808 edition, and parts II & IV from the 1818-1819 edition.

Start price:


Lot 154:
Sefer HaMitzvos, Berditchev, [1809]. With the last approbation by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Printed...
Sefer HaMitzvos, Berditchev, [1809]. With the last approbation by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Printed... Sefer HaMitzvos, Berditchev, [1809]. With the last approbation by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Printed with Sefer DErech Mitzvotecha, by Rabbi Yehuda Rosanis. 

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Lot 155:
Sefer Ne’im Zemirot Yisrael, a commentary on the songs of the Arizal, by Mahari Srug...
Sefer Ne’im Zemirot Yisrael, a commentary on the songs of the Arizal, by Mahari Srug... Sefer Ne’im Zemirot Yisrael, a commentary on the songs of the Arizal, by Mahari Srug – Levov, 1793(?) – first edition – exemplar of the Tzaddik Rabbi Pinchas Theumim-Frankel, son-in-law of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga of Sieniawa.

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Lot 156:
Extremely Rare and Unobtainable Edition! ‘Kav Hayashar’, Berdychiv, 1821
Extremely Rare and Unobtainable Edition! ‘Kav Hayashar’, Berdychiv, 1821

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Lot 157:
Sefer Hayasher. Unknown Edition
Sefer Hayasher. Unknown Edition Sefer Hayashar, on Mussar. Authored by Rabbeinu Yaakov Tam of the Tosafists. (Lemberg? Ca. 1830). Rare.

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Lot 158:
Sefarim on Drush Printed in Sudylkiv, 1835
Sefarim on Drush Printed in Sudylkiv, 1835

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Lot 159:
Mayim Kedoshim by a Disciple of the Holy Maggid of Mezhrich. First Edition, Mezhirov, 1790
Mayim Kedoshim by a Disciple of the Holy Maggid of Mezhrich. First Edition, Mezhirov, 1790 Sefer Mayim Kedoshim, Chiddushim on tractates from Kodashim, by the holy Gaon Rabbi Avraham Moshe Halevi Segal of Brahilov (a disciple of the holy Maggid of Mezrich) – Mezirov, 1790 – first edition.

Start price:


Lot 160:
אור חדש, פרנקפורט דאדר תקל"ו – מהדורה ראשונה עם הסכמת הרה"ק הרבי רבי שמעלקא מניקלשבורג.
אור חדש, פרנקפורט דאדר תקל"ו – מהדורה ראשונה עם הסכמת הרה"ק הרבי רבי שמעלקא מניקלשבורג. אור חדש חלק שני. חדושים על מסכת פסחין, מהגאון רבי אלעזר אב"ד רעכניץ. מהדורה ראשונה. פראנקפורט דאדר תקל"ו – 1776.

Start price:


Lot 161:
רבינו ירוחם. עם הסכמות הרה"ק רבי לוי יצחק מבארדיטשוב והגה"ק רבי חיים מוואלאז'ין
רבינו ירוחם. עם הסכמות הרה"ק רבי לוי יצחק מבארדיטשוב והגה"ק רבי חיים מוואלאז'ין ספר רבינו ירוחם, תולדות אדם וחוה. עם ספר מישרים. מהדורה תליתאה חשובה, קאפוסט, תקס"ח. ההסכמות המיוחדות של הרה"ק רבי לוי יצחק מבארדיטשוב והגה"ק רבי חיים מוואלאז'ין שהסכימו יחדיו.

Start price:


Lot 162:
חידושי עיני ישראל/ מנחה חדשה. דפוס אלעקסניץ תקל"ד – תקל"ה. דפוס נדיר מאוד!
חידושי עיני ישראל/ מנחה חדשה. דפוס אלעקסניץ תקל"ד – תקל"ה. דפוס נדיר מאוד! חידושי עיני ישראל/ מנחה חדשה. דפוס אלעקסניץ תקל"ד – תקל"ה. דפוס נדיר מאוד!

Start price:


Lot 163:
ספר יסוד בחסידות: נועם אלימלך . רוסיה – פולין מהדורת תרי"ט – 1859.
ספר יסוד בחסידות: נועם אלימלך . רוסיה – פולין מהדורת תרי"ט – 1859. ספר יסוד בחסידות: נועם אלימלך . רוסיה – פולין מהדורת תרי"ט – 1859.

Start price:


Lot 164:
ספר דמעות שליש, מילי דהספידא על שלשה מגדולי האדמו"רים שנפטרו בשנים תרמ"ג-תרמ"ה: על הרה"ק רבי...
ספר דמעות שליש, מילי דהספידא על שלשה מגדולי האדמו"רים שנפטרו בשנים תרמ"ג-תרמ"ה: על הרה"ק רבי... ספר דמעות שליש, מילי דהספידא על שלשה מגדולי האדמו"רים שנפטרו בשנים תרמ"ג-תרמ"ה: על הרה"ק רבי אברהם יעקב מסדיגורא, ועל הרה"ק רבי חנוך העניך מאלעסק וה"צמח צדיק" מוויז'ניץ - טשרנוביץ תרמ"ה – מהדורה יחידה – העותק של הגה"צ רבי חיים יהודה ברוין הי"ד אב"ד איקלאד

Start price:


Lot 165:
Tikkunei Zohar – Be’er Lachai Ro’i by the Holy Rebbe of Munkatch. 3 Volumes, First Edition
Tikkunei Zohar – Be’er Lachai Ro’i by the Holy Rebbe of Munkatch. 3 Volumes, First Edition Tikkunei HaZohar with the commentary Be’er Lachai Ro’I by the holy Darkei Teshuva of Munkatch. 3 volumes. First edition, 1903-1929.

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Lot 166:
Segulah Sefer With the Blessings of Chassidic Tzaddikim: “Ordained Sons and Long Life and Abundant Sustenance”.
Segulah Sefer With the Blessings of Chassidic Tzaddikim: “Ordained Sons and Long Life and Abundant Sustenance”. Segulah Sefer!

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Lot 167:
Exalted Approbations! Amud Ha’avodah by Rabby Baruch Kossover. First Edition, 1854. Wide Folios!
Exalted Approbations! Amud Ha’avodah by Rabby Baruch Kossover. First Edition, 1854. Wide Folios! Amud Ha’avodah, by the holy Rabbi Baruch of Kossov. First edition. Chernivtsi, 1854. Important and exalted approbations from the giants of Chassidus. Exemplar with wide folios.

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Lot 168:
Avodas Yisaschar, by the Holy Rebbe of Wolbórz. First Edition. Lodz, 1912
Avodas Yisaschar, by the Holy Rebbe of Wolbórz. First Edition. Lodz, 1912 Sefer Avodas Yisaschar by the holy Rebbe of Wolbórz, Rabbi Yisachar Dov Berish Hakohen Turenheim. First printed in Lodz, 1912.

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Lot 169:
3 Sifrei Chassidus, Special Editions
3 Sifrei Chassidus, Special Editions Special and uncommon editions of three Seforim of Chassidus.

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Lot 170:
Kesser Shem Tov. Podgórze, 1898. Rebbe’s Exemplar.
Kesser Shem Tov. Podgórze, 1898. Rebbe’s Exemplar. Sefer Kesser Shem Tov, 2 parts – Podgórze, 1898 – exemplar of the holy Rebbe, Admor Rabbi Yaakov Shimon Padowa of Pshischa-Kaloshik.

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Lot 171:
‘and He Will Be Saved from the Tribulations of Moshiach’. Sefer Ba’al Shem Tov, Edition of Segulot, 1943
‘and He Will Be Saved from the Tribulations of Moshiach’. Sefer Ba’al Shem Tov, Edition of Segulot, 1943 Sefer Ba’al Shem Tov, collected sayings from the Ba’al Shem Tov and his disciples. Part 1 on Bereshis. Printed by R’ Yaakov Wieder in 1943 in Szinérváralja (near Satmar), Hungary.

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Lot 172:
Imrei Yosef Spinka – On the Torah – First Edition – 4 Volume Set – Munkatch, 1910-1927
Imrei Yosef Spinka – On the Torah – First Edition – 4 Volume Set – Munkatch, 1910-1927 Full set of Imrei Yosef, Chassidic Derushim on the Torah, by the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Meir Weiss of Spinka. Marmaroschsiget, Avraham Kaufman press; Munkacz, Aharon Dov Meisels and Chaim Gartenberger press; Seini, Yaakov Wieder press. 1910-1927. First edition.

Start price:


Lot 173:
Three Seforim On Chassidus – Zidetchoiv Dynasty
Three Seforim On Chassidus – Zidetchoiv Dynasty ✵ Sur Mera Va’aseh Tov, preface and a path to the Tree of Life, by Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh os Zidechov, “Master of the Zohar”. Lublin, 1925.

Start price:


Lot 174:
The Maggid of Ciechanow – Zechuta De’avraham First Edition. Warsaw, 1895
The Maggid of Ciechanow – Zechuta De’avraham First Edition. Warsaw, 1895 Sefer Zechuta De’avraham, Drushim, Chiddushim, and collected sayings by the Gaon the holy Admor Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanow. First edition. Efraim Boimritter press, Warsaw, 1895.

Start price:


Lot 175:
Holy Sefer Yishrei Lev by the Divrei Binah of Biala – Exemplar of His Grandson the Holy Chelkas Yehoshua of Biala
Holy Sefer Yishrei Lev by the Divrei Binah of Biala – Exemplar of His Grandson the Holy Chelkas Yehoshua of Biala Holy Sefer Yishrei Lev by the famous holy Rebbe, Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov, founder of the Bialeh dynasty, son of the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Nosson David of Shidlovtza (Szydłowiec), and author of “Divrei Binah”. Exemplar of his holy grandson and successor Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua of Bialeh, the “Chelkas Yehoshua”.

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Lot 176:
Letter by the Chelkas Yehoshua of Biala
Letter by the Chelkas Yehoshua of Biala Letter, handwritten and signed by the famed Rav Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua of Biala, sent to Vaad Hayeshivos in Jerusalem with the establishment of his yeshiva, 1952.

Start price:


Lot 177:
Collection of Seven Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions
Collection of Seven Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions ✵ Noam Elimelech, Chiddushim and secrets on the Torah by the Rebbe, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. Munkatch, 1940. With approbation by the sons of the Divrei Chaim to this edition “to be rescued from the tribulations of Moshiach” – Very good condition.

Start price:


Lot 178:
Collection of Eight Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions
Collection of Eight Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions ✵ Or Hameir, Chiddushim on the Torah, by Admor Rabbi Zev Wolf of Zhitomir. Lemberg, 1875.

Start price:


Lot 179:
Collection of Five Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions
Collection of Five Sifrei Chassidus – Early Editions ✵ Arvei Nachal, Chiddushim on the Torah, by Admor Rabbi David Shlomo Eibshutz. Amsterdam font. Krotoszyn, 1783.

Start price:


Lot 180:
5-Sefer Collection – Four Exemplars of Kedushas Levi from Early Editions and One Sefer from His Son Rabbi Meir
5-Sefer Collection – Four Exemplars of Kedushas Levi from Early Editions and One Sefer from His Son Rabbi Meir ✵ Kedushas Levi, by Admor Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, the Advocate of Israel.

Start price:


Lot 181:
ישמח ישראל אלכסנדר – מהדורה ראשונה, לאדז תרע"א
ישמח ישראל אלכסנדר – מהדורה ראשונה, לאדז תרע"א מספרי החסידות החשובים בדורות המאוחרים : ישמח ישראל על חומש בראשית ושמות. תורת הרה"ק רבי ירחמיאל ישראל יצחק מאלכסנדר. לאדז תרע"א – 1911.

Start price:


Lot 182:
Responsa Mayim Chayim, First Edition, Zhitomir, 1857-58. With the Response from the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov.
Responsa Mayim Chayim, First Edition, Zhitomir, 1857-58. With the Response from the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov. Responsa Mayim Chayim by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Hakohen Rapaport, Av Beis Din of Ostroh – Zhitomir, 1857-58 – first edition – with the famous response to Maran the Ba’al Shem Tov – with approbations of the giants of Chassidus: the holy Rebbe of Apt, the holy Rebbe of Chernobyl, and the “Sar Shalom of Belz.

Start price:


Lot 183:
Yerushalmi on the Entire Seder Mo’ed. the Noble Zhitomir Press, 1860
Yerushalmi on the Entire Seder Mo’ed. the Noble Zhitomir Press, 1860 Talmud yerushalmi on the entire Seder Moed – printed in the important and exalted printing house in Zhitomir, 1860.

Start price:


Lot 184:
First Edition and Noble Exemplar: Har Hamor by the Maharam Banet. Vienna, 1862
First Edition and Noble Exemplar: Har Hamor by the Maharam Banet. Vienna, 1862 Sefer Har Hamor and responsa Gedulas Mordechai with Chochmas Shlomo. Vienna, 1861. First edition.

Start price:


Lot 185:
הספד מר על פטירת הגאון רבי שלמה קוועטש. פראג, תרט"ז 1857.
הספד מר על פטירת הגאון רבי שלמה קוועטש. פראג, תרט"ז 1857. הספד מר על פטירת הגאון רבי שלמה קוועטש. פראג, תרט"ז 1857.

Start price:


Lot 186:
Responsa Chassam Sofer – Volumes 1-6 – First Editions
Responsa Chassam Sofer – Volumes 1-6 – First Editions Volumes of “Responsa Chassam Sofer”, first editions: Foundational Sefer that was fondly accepted throughout the Jewish world.

Start price:


Lot 187:
Certificate of birth from the city of Pressburg, signed (in Latin letters) and stamped by...
Certificate of birth from the city of Pressburg, signed (in Latin letters) and stamped by... Certificate of birth from the city of Pressburg, signed (in Latin letters) and stamped by the holy Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, the Ksav Sofer. Pressburg, 1871.

Start price:


Lot 188:
Exemplar of a Disciple of the Chassam Sofer – Tosfot Shabbos, Zolkiew, 1806
Exemplar of a Disciple of the Chassam Sofer – Tosfot Shabbos, Zolkiew, 1806

Start price:


Lot 189:
Exemplar of the Mahari Asad, from the Greatest Disciples of Maran the Chassam Sofer. Kol Yaakov On the 5 Megillot by the Maggid of Dubna. First Edition, Lemberg, 1804
Exemplar of the Mahari Asad, from the Greatest Disciples of Maran the Chassam Sofer. Kol Yaakov On the 5 Megillot by the Maggid of Dubna. First Edition, Lemberg, 1804 Kol Yaakov on the five Megillot by the renowned Maggid Rabbi Yaakov of Dubna. First edition. Lemberg, 1804. Signature of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Asad, from the greatest disciples of Maran the Chassam Sofer, on the title page.

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Lot 190:
Exemplar of the ‘Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim’
Exemplar of the ‘Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim’

Start price:


Lot 191:
The Ritva of the Immense Gaon, the ‘Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim’
The Ritva of the Immense Gaon, the ‘Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim’

Start price:


Lot 192:
Manuscript. Pamphlet of Drush and Mussar on parts of Chumash Vayikra, handwritten by the Gaon...
Manuscript. Pamphlet of Drush and Mussar on parts of Chumash Vayikra, handwritten by the Gaon... Manuscript. Pamphlet of Drush and Mussar on parts of Chumash Vayikra, handwritten by the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Baruch Asher Perls, disciple of Maran the “Chassam Sofer” – 1850-1851 – Ashkenazi script – never printed.

Start price:


Lot 193:
שו"ת אמרי אש. מהדורה ראשונה. תרי"א. עותק רבני מיוחס.
שו"ת אמרי אש. מהדורה ראשונה. תרי"א. עותק רבני מיוחס. העותק עם חתימת בעלות של הרב רבי יששכר בערמאן מק"ק פרעשבורג ושל הרב אברהם שפירא, הרב הראשי לישראל בשנים תשמ"ד – תשנ"ד.

Start price:


Lot 194:
Responsa Imrei Esh by the Maharam Ash. First Edition, Lemberg, 1852
Responsa Imrei Esh by the Maharam Ash. First Edition, Lemberg, 1852 Responsa Imrei Esh, vol. I, by the holy Gaon Rabbi Meir A”sh Av Beis Din of Uzhhorod, published by his son, Maran Rabbi Menachem A”sh. Lemberg, 1852. First edition.

Start price:


Lot 195:
Approbation of Maran the Chassam Sofer – Totz’ot Chayim on Shechita and Treifot. Pressburg, 1835
Approbation of Maran the Chassam Sofer – Totz’ot Chayim on Shechita and Treifot. Pressburg, 1835 “Totz’ot Chaim”, on Shulchan Aruch, Halachot of slaughtering and invalidations. By Rabbi Chaim Toiber. Pressburg, 1835. With approbation by the Chassam Sofer.

Start price:


Lot 196:
Pri Ha’etz, by Mahar”I Modran, a Disciple of the Chassam Sofer. First Edition. Noble Rabbinical Exemplar
Pri Ha’etz, by Mahar”I Modran, a Disciple of the Chassam Sofer. First Edition. Noble Rabbinical Exemplar

Start price:


Lot 197:
First Edition of Yeri’ot Shlomo on Yoreh De’ah. Vienna, 1854
First Edition of Yeri’ot Shlomo on Yoreh De’ah. Vienna, 1854

Start price:


Lot 198:
The Seforim of the “Shemen Roke’ach” in One Volume
The Seforim of the “Shemen Roke’ach” in One Volume

Start price:


Lot 199:
Two of the Shemen Roke’ach’s Seforim in One Volume. Exemplar of the ‘Shemen Lamincha’
Two of the Shemen Roke’ach’s Seforim in One Volume. Exemplar of the ‘Shemen Lamincha’

Start price:


Lot 200:
Rare Sefer Withgenious Handwritten Glosses: Batzir Eliezer, First Edition. Pressburg, 1869
Rare Sefer Withgenious Handwritten Glosses: Batzir Eliezer, First Edition. Pressburg, 1869

Start price: