Letter, typed on official letterhead of Beis Chayeinu 770, with the content of the telegram that the Rebbe sent to the Convention of Chabad Chassidim (see further on) on the 17th of Elul, 5710 (Aug. 30, 1950), signed by the secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel OBM.
The letter encompasses an important slice of the history of Chabad–Lubavitch and one of the founding steps in the acceptance of the Rebbe’s presidency during the year after the passing of the Rebbe Rayatz.
Follows is the entire content of the letter:
B”H, 14th Elul, 5710
To the convention of Chabad Chassidim, Yeshiva for Russian Immigrants, 6a Rakevet Neighborhood, Lod.
Peace and Blessings:
Certainly you have received the telegram which was sent to you yesterday, as follows:
“The National Convention of Chabad Chassidim in the Holy Land will certainly strengthen and increase in the toil of the heart which is prayers, study of the revealed Torah, and the Words of the Living G-D, and guidance in the ways of Chassidut as per the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov and Admor HaZaken, that on the clear day of the 18th of Elul these luminaries were installed, and as per the instructions of our Nasi, C”K my teacher and father-in-law, Admor – may I be an atonement for his resting place. Certainly they will fulfill their duty as legions of G-D and as explained at length in the Ma’amarim of passing that no delays should hold them back from strengthening Torah and Judaism in general, the Kosher education specifically especially the proper education of the boys and girls who are present now and specifically those who are now ascending to the Holy Land which this spiritual rescue is a sacred imperative on every man and woman. Certainly they will strengthen in upholding all the institutions of C”K my teacher and father-in-law, Admor – may I be an atonement for his resting place, and the will of Hashem will succeed in their hands.
With a blessing that they will merit to fulfil the demand of C”K my teacher and father-in-law, Admor – may I be an atonement for his resting place – to make Eretz Yisrael into the Holy Land, success in your endeavors, and a Ksiva Vechasima Tova in body and spirit to all the participants and their household every man and woman separately –
Menachem Shneerson”
With a blessing of Ksiva Vechasima Tova, the Secretariat.
This letter was printed in Igros Kodesh vol. III, letter #736, based on Likutei Sichos vol. XXIV p. 518, and completed based on the secretarial copy (this page before us).
Background on this letter: After various actions, the members of the Union of Chabad Chassidim in Eretz Yisrael, headed by Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Krasik, decided to arrange a special convention during which they will sign a Deed of Connection (“Shtar Hiskashrus”). To this convention, which was sub-titled “suggestions regarding strengthening the connection”, was attended by approx. one thousand Chabad Rabbonim, Mashpi’im, and Chassidim from around the country.
The convention was opened with a reading of the content of the telegram sent by the Rebbe, the content of which appears above. Rabbi Krasik then took the podium and, after giving a summary of the activities of the Union stated:
“Maran, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson Shlita, a scion of our holy Rebbes, has been crowned by the Chassidim of Chabad here in Eretz Yisrael and abroad as their Rebbe”.
Following the speeches, the resolutions were read, the central one announcing that “Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson is the Nasi of Chabad Chassidim”; a special telegram was sent to the Rebbe on behalf of all the participants with a “blessing of Mazel Tov on occasion of his crowning as leader of the Chabad Chassidim”.
See in length in the book “Eved Avraham Anochi” by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Berger, p. 220 and on.