Handwritten approbation of the renowned Chabad Mashpi’a, the Gaon Rabbi Nissan Horowitz OBM for the Sefer “Haderech Lasimcha Veha’emet”
The series “Haderech Lasimcha Veha’emet” was published by the renowned Chabad publisher, the Mashpi’a Rabbi Nachum Chanun OBM, a scion of the family of the Chabad rebbes; he resided in Yerushalayim and merited to publish, as per the instructions of the Rebbe Rayatz, a series of valuable pamphlets which present the fountains of the path of Chassidus.
Rabbi Chanun, who was the great-grandson of Rabbi Nachum, the famous “Chozer” of Lubavitch, received many blessings from the Rebbes of Chabad, and especially from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who wrote him scores of letters with praise for the pamphlets.
In these pamphlets were approbations from the heads of the “Eidah Charedis” of Yerushalayim, amongst which are the Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis, author of “Liflagot Reuven”, the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin and Rabbi Pinchas Frank.
This approbation was printed in the Sefer “Migeza Lubavitch”, and was written on uncommon parchment paper.
“I have seen the writings that Rabbi Nachum Chanun toils to publish, which are collected Sichos of Admor OBM, which he has extended himself and toiled to transcribe to the Holy Tongue and merit the masses with them, so that they should know the way to follow and the deeds to do. And I have said to this good deed that it is fine, and it is a great Mitzvah to assist the author in any way possible so that he should be able to bring this thing to fruition, and the merit of the author of these Sichos should stand by for all those who help and assist such a Mitzvah, and they will be blessed with all good. Nissan Horowitz.
Please see the Hebrew listing for biographical information on Rabbi Nissan Horowitz.
Written on ancient parchment paper. Very good condition.