Holy of Holies! A volume of Gemara from the home of C”K Admor the Tzemach Tzedek OBM of Lubavitch, with an inscription: “C”K Admor Shlita”.
Tractate Chullin (Talmud Bavli) from the renowned Zhitomir press, 1863, by the grandchildren of the Rav of Slavuta.
As is known, the Gedolim of the generation liked this edition due to the wide margins on the sides, which allowed adding glosses and notations.
On the title page are several ownership notations of C”K Admor of Lyady, the holy Rabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman Shneerson (1814-1880), the third son of rabbinu the Tzemach Tzedek OBM: “Belongs to C”K Admor the Rav Rabbi Zalman son of Admor N”E”, and also: “the Rav, Rabbi CS”Z Shneerson”.
In two other places at the beginning of the volume are handwritten notations: ‘C”K Admor Shlita’ and ‘C”K Ad”Sh’, in a style and manner different than those on the title page, which brings up the possibility that this Gemara belonged originally to Admor the Tzemach Tzedek, and was inherited later by his son, Admor of Lyady (as is known, the Tzemach Tzedek’s Seforim and personal items were divided among his sons.)
Rabbi CS”Z was born shortly after the passing of Admor HaZaken, and was therefore named after him (his biography was written about in the Sefer “Sons of the Tzemach Tzedek”, by Rabbi Amram Blau). Several years after the passing of his father, the Tzemach Tzedek, he became Admor in Lyady, where he resided. When he first arrived in Lyady, he quoted the verse: “and a fourth generation will return here”, a reference to his being the fourth generation of Admor HaZaken, the Ba’al HaTanya, who had also lived in Lyady.