Part of a page with the content of a Ma’amar of Admor the Tzemach Tzedek, which has a handwritten addition, written in pencil by the Rebbe – content that was, indeed, added in future editions.
“and what is written in the Gemara “a poor man comes’ will be understood based on Bereshit Rabba beg. Ch. 54…”
(The comment was printed in Sefer Halikutim, Divrei E. Chaim of the Tzemach Tzedek, sec. ‘ש’, p. 22, comment 14, Ma’amar starting with “to understand the Mishna at the end of Bava Metzi’ah”.)
Proofreading pages with handwritten additions of the Rebbe are extremely rare, especially regarding Torah of the Tzemach Tzedek.