The letter is typed on the official letterhead of the Rebbe Rayatz, and signed “Yosef Yitzchak” in his handwriting.
The letter was sent to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Bromberg, a few months after he managed to escape the Nazis in Europe: “And Hashem will help him to manage with his household, to live an orderly joyous life, and will have mercy on our dear friends and their family for the poverty and hunger that is happening there is indescribable in writing, and support from this country for them – for various reasons – is scant, and I am in great sorrow due to their situation”.
The Rebbe continues and blesses: “Hashem will merit us to announce and receive only good in body and spirit”.
The letter was printed in Igros Kodesh (vol. 13, letter #5792)